
December, 2020



Laurel Creek Systems Announces Low-Cost Home Water Leak Detector

Launches Kickstarter campaign to fund production of “WatFlobot”

[KITCHENER, Canada, December 3, 2020] Laurel Creek Systems, an engineering company specializing in Internet of Things (IoT) devices, announced today the launch of their Kickstarter campaign to fund the production of WatFlobot, a home water monitor and leak detector. With an MSRP of US$75, WatFlobot is the first leak detector to retail for less than US$100. “Our goal is to make leak detectors affordable enough that every home has one, just like smoke or carbon monoxide detectors” said Phil Rittenhouse, founder of Laurel Creek Systems.

Every year, plumbing leaks cause billions of dollars of property damage in the United States alone. According to the Insurance Information Institute, water damage and freezing are the second most common source of homeowner insurance claims and the average claim from 2014 to 2018 was over $10,000. Leak detectors protect your home from water damage using complex algorithms and sensors to alert the homeowner when there is a leak.

Unfortunately the same insurance industry data shows that less than one in five homes has a water leak detector. 

“We are hoping that by bringing WatFlobot to market we can change that.” said Rittenhouse.

WatFlobot’s Kickstarter campaign can be found here: 

About Laurel Creek Systems

Founded in 2019, Laurel Creek Systems provides hardware and software design services specializing in Internet of Things (IoT) and embedded systems. To learn more visit or email


June 1, 2020

Laurel Creek Systems is proud to announce the development of the world's first Smart Pool Gauge. This wifi-enabled digital pool gauge provides wireless monitoring and instant notification of pressure changes that could lead to pool equipment damage and costly repairs.  Click here to learn more.

Smart Pool Gauge
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